朋友生病時,一個小小 翻譯拜訪(visit)可以減輕他一個人的不安(anxiety),幾句的問候(greetings)與關切(concern)更是精神上最好的支柱(support) 翻譯社你知道該怎麼用英文開口關心對方嗎?以下實用的會話和片語教你如何把你的心意傳達出去!
kip: how are you feeling?
fran: ok. sorry i can’t come to the party tonight.
kip: don’t be silly. you’re laid up in the hospital.
fran: i just wish i could be there.
kip: you just worry about getting better!
fran: ok. tell everyone i said hello.
kip: i will. we’re all praying for your speedy recovery. i’ll come see you tomorrow.
fran: great! don’t forget to bring pictures of the party!
kip: i will. now you get some rest. i’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.
fran: ok. thanks. have a great party.
法蘭:還好,抱歉今晚不能參加派對了 翻譯社
基普:別說傻話了,你躺在醫院裡耶 翻譯社
法蘭:真希望我能去 翻譯社
基普:我會 翻譯,你現在休息一下吧,我明天下午來看你。
be laid up (v.) 臥病休養
pray (v.) 祈禱
speedy (a.) 迅速 翻譯
recovery (n.) 復原,痊癒
we’re all praying for your speedy recovery. 祝早日康復。
i hope you feel better soon. 希望你很快就能痊癒。
i hope you get out of the hospital soon. 希望你很快就能出院。
everyone sends his or her regards. 大家都向你問好。
來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/1376013有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社